
东莞市宏玛五金机械有限公司(原大岭山谢天机械)自建厂以来我们一直不懈的努力拼搏进取。形成了独立自主研发、改良完整的专业生产能力。建立了“诚信为本、质量第一、不断创新、完善售后。”的服务理念。将为国内外五金生产厂家提供优质低价的铁线工艺产品机械:调直切断机、磨尖倒角机、搓花机、圆圈机、成形机、钻孔机、抛光机、钢 丝绳熔断机、钢线绳磨头机、锁体钻孔机等非标五金机械。 本公司将承诺为针灸针生产厂家、电镀挂具生产厂家、施封锁生产厂家、牙科针生产厂家、烧烤叉生产厂家,电子针生产厂家提供质量上乘、价格低廉的生产设备,您的光临将享受到最优级的售前、售中、售后服务。热忱欢迎新老客户的光临指导。为行业创造更加辉煌的明天我们将如您所愿。 Company introduction Hongma machinery (yuan Xie Tian machinery) we have been unremitting efforts and enterprising spirit since the plant. Stand on one's own research and development, formed a complete professional production capacity improvement. Established the "integrity-based, quality first, continuous innovation, improve customer service." Service concept. Will provide wire technology products machinery of high quality and low price for domestic and international hardware manufacturers: straightening and cutting machine, grinding tip chamfering machine, twisting machine, circle machine, forming machine, drilling machine, polishing machine, steel wire rope fusing machine, grinding machine, steel rope lock drilling machines and other non-standard hardware machinery. The company promises to acupuncture needle manufacturers, electroplating rack manufacturer, Shi blockade manufacturers, dental needle manufacturers, barbecue fork manufacturers, electronic needle manufacturers to provide quality, low price production equipment, you will enjoy the best pre-sales, sale, after sale service. Warmly welcome new and old customers to visit the guidance. To create a more brilliant tomorrow we will be as you wish for the industry. [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:中国 广东 东莞 长安镇涌头社区龙泉路20号之一楼2号 浙ICP备17016739号-4
